Help Hosting SUSTA students

Date: Tue, Mar 9th, 2010 12:43:54 am   Author:

> Hello everyone,

> I am writing to all of you today to ask for help in hosting students
> from different US universities attending the SUSTA Conference 2010 on
> March 20-21, 2010.

> SUSTA is the Federation of Ukrainian Student Organizations of America
> which on March 20-21 organizes their annual conference in Boston. You
> can find out more about the conference here: If you
> would also like to attend the conference, you are more than welcome to
> do so - early registration is open on the above-mentioned web-site! We
> have worked out an amazing program with time and space for both serious and fun activities.

> Because home universities in most cases are no longer covering the
> costs of travel and accommodation, we are seeking to lessen the
> financial burden of the participants by offering them to stay with
> other students in the Boston area. They are not looking for
> convenience, they are looking for a place to stay for free (sleeping
> on the floor is absolutely fine with most of them!) I can guarantee
> you that people are friendly, open-minded, nice and will be no trouble to you.

> So, if you can help out those students from other universities and put
> up a person or two for 2 nights, please do so and fill out the short form below.

> Please consider that at some point you too might need accommodation in
> a city where you don't know anyone and would greatly appreciate help
> from other students!

> I hope to hear from many of you soon,

> a big THANK YOU from me personally,

> Oleh
> PLEASE FILL OUT AND EMAIL BACK:  [email protected]

> Name:

> Affiliation:

> Address:

> Phone No:

> Closest T/Bus stop and which line/bus number:

> Number of people you can host:

> Male only/female only? (please indicate):

> Type of sleeping arrangements (bed, mattress, floor, folding bed, etc.):

> Should the guest bring anything with her/him besides the usual travel
> stuff (sleeping bag, etc.?):

> Any additional comments/information?:

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