About Us
УкраЇнський Американський Освітній Центр у Бостоні
Our mission is to establish and maintain facilities for the promulgation of Ukrainian culture, history, language and heritage. Toward this end we plan to promote, support and conduct educational, religious and social service programs that serve individuals of Ukrainian descent residing within the New England area and the community at large.

updated 01/26/2023
Organization Logo

The Ukrainian American Educational Center of Boston Inc. was established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in 2008 and is continuing to serve the community by sponsoring events that are aligned with its mission including but not limited to, education, preservation and promulgation of Ukrainian culture, language, and heritage, through the establishment and maintenance of facilities, educational programs, and social services. The UAEC of Boston is, whenever possible, open, and willing to partner with other organizations and groups to help further its mission. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia the center has broadened its scope of activities to include several important initiatives that are aligned with its mission. These five initiatives listed below augment our core mission and give our organization a unique opportunity to foster communication and to respond to community needs with a multifaceted approach.
- Bear Witness – Has taken a stand against the direct threat to democracy and human rights posed by Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Using film and video, it highlights the heroes of this fight, documents war crimes, and keeps the world’s focus on this threat to freedom and human dignity.
- Don’t Close Your Eyes – Led by a local Ukrainian artist, a group of volunteers arrange exhibits of works by Ukrainian Artists, predominantly living and working in Ukraine, that cannot help but reveal and chronicle the impact of the war.
- OSNOVA – A dedicated group of volunteers who have experience in organizing cultural, social, and fundraising events. Its mission is to be a resource for helping others formulate and realize their vision for any given event.
- Ridna Shkola – A group of parents, teachers and students working together to help community members retain and learn their language, culture, and heritage.
- UAEC Publishing – An internal initiative that partners with other organizations to produce informative materials related to the Ukrainian experience.
- Ukraine Forward – Once an initative, which has developed and transitioned into a fully independent organization of volunteers whose primary goal is to provide life-saving resources to people in Ukraine during its time of need focused on Hospitals, Communications, First Aid Kits, and medical supplies.