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June 1st is International Children’s Day

Some Thoughts
International Children’s Day began in 1856. Today, protecting and advocating on behalf of children remains a top priority for the global community. It’s a day to reflect on ways to protect children and facilitate their well-being and education. We don’t need to look far to find children in need in our own communities.  There are also children throughout the world experiencing unimaginable difficulties.  One such place is Ukraine.

The Russian invasion extends beyond the soldiers in the frontline. Missiles have injured and killed children, decimated homes, schools, hospitals, and energy grids. Children have been raped, abducted, left orphaned, forced into bomb shelters, and had their education disrupted.
During an ongoing war it is difficult to ascertain precise numbers, however, the scale of the impact is evident when looking at some estimates. A few are highlighted below:   

  • As of April 29, the number of children killed reached 544. An additional 1307 were  wounded according to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.
  • 19,546 children were forcibly deported to Russia or Russian-controlled areas according to Ukraine’s National Information Bureau. 
  • UNICEF reports that two million children fled Ukraine, while 2.5 million were internally displaced.
  • Fifteen cases of sexual abuse by the invading soldiers have been established by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.
  • Human Rights Watch reported that more than 3,790 schools have been damaged or destroyed severely impacting educational opportunities.

These experiences will leave an enduring impact on the survivors. How can one respond?

  • There are charities that raise funds for medical care, rebuilding schools, etc.
  • Help Support our local Ridna Shkola they work to make children’s lives better through education.
  • The US Senate has introduced S.Res.158 a resolution condemning the deportation of children from Ukraine to the Russian Federation and the forcible transfer of children within territories of Ukraine that are temporarily occupied by Russian forces. Support its passage.
  • The UNWLA invites everyone in the USA to pray for the children of Ukraine as part of this year’s observance of International Children’s Day with an Initiative entitled Children Praying for Children.

The Russian practice of illegally deporting or forcibly transferring thousands of children from Ukraine to Russia is especially disconcerting.  So far, fewer than 400 children have been successfully returned to Ukraine from Russia. This issue has been ongoing since Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014 and has come to light following Russia’s full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine in 2022.

In March 2023, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants against President Putin and Russia’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, on the basis of reasonable grounds to believe that each bears responsibility for the war crime of “unlawful deportation of population (children) and of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.”

It is imperative that during International Children’s Day this war crime be brought to light and every effort made to return Ukraine’s children.


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Ukrainian Immigrant Community Open House

St Andrew's Hall
June 29 11am-4pm.


Friday June 7, 2024
Salem State University 
Ellison Campus Center,

This Ukrainian American Life

June 12
7:30pm Concert
Vira & Friends
Lexington MA

Children's Day

Sunday June 2
146 Forest Hills St.
Jamaica Plain, Boston MA
Ridna Shkola

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6:30 PM

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Boston Globe - Opinion
Stephen F. Lynch
US Rep. from Mass.

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