The Rise and Fall of Baturyn,The Capital of Hetman Mazepa Historical and Archeological Research

Date: Mon, Feb 1st, 2010 6:01:37 pm   Author:

Baturyn, the capital of the Ukrainian cossack state in the 17-18th centuries, flourished during the reign of Hetman Ivan Mazepa (1687-1708).  Its residents supported the Mazepa's rebellion in alliance with Sweden against growing Moscow domination over central Ukraine.  In retaliation, Tsar Peter I devastatd Batuiryn in 1708 which had serious reprercussions for the uprising and Swedish campaign in Ukraine, 1708-09.  Canada-Ukraine excavations conducted in Baturyn in 2001-09 yield much new archaeological materials for the study of hitherto little-known history and culture of the Cossack capital and its massive destruction in 1708.

Ukrainian Immigrant Community Open House

St Andrew's Hall
June 29 11am-4pm.


Friday June 7, 2024
Salem State University 
Ellison Campus Center,

This Ukrainian American Life

June 12
7:30pm Concert
Vira & Friends
Lexington MA

Children's Day

Sunday June 2
146 Forest Hills St.
Jamaica Plain, Boston MA
Ridna Shkola

Taste of Freedom

Boston Movie
May 22, 2024 7 p.m.

Vyshyvanka Day

Magazine Launch
Thurs. May 16,
6:30 PM

Stand With Ukraine Rally

Feb. 24 2024 3:30pm
Protect the Light of Freedom

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support Ukraine
with Aid 12/08/2023
Boston Globe - Opinion
Stephen F. Lynch
US Rep. from Mass.

A Holodomor Exhibit at the Victims of Communism Museum in Washington D.C. is open to  the public.

Holodomor Petition
Now is the Time
to Advocate that the
United States
the Holodomor as Genocide.

Ways to Help Ukraine

Why the US must
support Ukraine
with Aid 12/08/2023
Boston Globe - Opinion
Stephen F. Lynch
US Rep. from Mass.

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