Event name:

Ukrainian Days DC

Event Date: Tue, Nov 18th, 2014 6:43:00 pm
Event Summary:

November 18-19, 2014 Washington, DC

Event Details:

The Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), the Washington public-affairs bureau of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), has sponsored three “Ukrainian Day” advocacy events this year – one at the height of the Maidan protests in early February, one in mid-July (a day prior to the downing of MH17), and the most recent one in mid-September with the arrival of President Poroshenko in Washington to meet President Obama. All three events brought dozens of participants to Washington, DC to meet with Members of Congress to discuss the community’s concerns of additional, desperately needed assistance to Ukraine.

In mid-November, UNIS will once again sponsor “Ukrainian Days” advocacy event on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 18-19, 2014. The goal of “Ukrainian Days” is to encourage Members of Congress to support military assistance to Ukraine to fend off Russian military invaders and the terrorists, as well as to preserve Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence.

The two-day advocacy program is supported by the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC). As a founding member of the CEEC, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America works in tandem with the CEEC to advance U.S. foreign policy issues in Central and East Europe. The CEEC represents over 22 million Americans of Central and East European heritage. “Ukrainian Days” advocacy event will provide members of the Ukrainian America community an opportunity to meet with other ethnic community members and advocate issues of mutual interest.

Other Sponsor: UNIS
Event Location:

Washington DC

Event Contact:

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact UNIS at (202) 547-0018, or by e-mail at unis@ucca.org.

Event Image:

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